
The Analytics page contains the Performance of your affiliates graphs, Top affiliates table, and Product analytics table (if enabled).

Performance of your affiliates

This section shows the overall performance of your affiliate team over time, including Total affiliates, Total orders, Total sales, Total clicks, Total commissions, Referral source, Commission on sales, and Referral status.

There are 3 filters: Date, Program and Network sales. As soon as you change the filters, it will automatically apply to all graphs in the section. In each graph, you can hover your cursor over the line to see detailed data.

Top affiliates

This table shows each of the affiliate’s performances. There are 4 filters: Date, Program, (referral) Status, and Network sales. You can use the search bar to look for affiliate names and email addresses.

There’s a small icon in each column that you can use to sort/rank the affiliates based on the data there.

In case you want the Top affiliates table to show more information about the affiliates, you can click the Custom column and select more information columns.

The Export file option is also available if you would like to export the overall performance of your affiliates based on filters.

Product Analytics

This table shows the statistics for all products on your store as well as the ones that have been referred by your affiliates in the last 90 days so you can compare those two data to measure if your affiliate campaign is running efficiently to boost sales.

Note: This table will only show up in Analytics if you enable it in Settings > Product analytics. Kindly read our document about this feature here.

Last updated