Affiliate Admin

After you approve and activate an affiliate account, the affiliate can log into his/her account and start working. The affiliate login link can be found in:

  • Merchant admin (UpPromote's main interface) > Home > Promote your registration form > Affiliate login link.

  • The email sent to affiliates as soon as they join. You can edit/preview that email by going to Outreach > Manage emails > Approved affiliate.

There are two ways for affiliates to promote your shop: through the affiliate link(s) or coupon code(s) (you can learn more about Tracking by Coupon). As long as customers use either the affiliate link or the affiliate coupon to place orders in your shop, your affiliates will get the commission on those referral orders.

As a merchant, you can log in as your affiliates to see their admin page. To be specific, go to the Affiliates tab> locate an affiliate account you want to view > click on Login as affiliate.


In Dashboard, affiliates can copy their affiliate link or coupon to share and send to customers. Any order resulting from that link/coupon will lead to a possible commission.

They can also use the Get Product link function to promote specific products. It allows affiliates to search for a product on the store and generate an affiliate link for that product. The affiliates can also add a source to the product link to track from which source the conversion comes.

Additionally, affiliates can use the Get link with source function to track where the traffic comes from (such as Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram). The source will then be shown on the graph and the table below as well as on the Commission and Payment tab. The affiliates would know which channels are leading the conversion.

Affiliates can see all important data including Commission total and status according to graphs through periods. They can also adjust the period to show specific data.


In Commission, you can see the status of all commissions recorded (Approved/Denied/Paid or Pending). Click Detail to see more information about that conversion.

In Settings > Profile, affiliates can update their basic information:


In Payments, affiliates need to select ONE payment method. They must choose from available payment methods that the merchant picked. Be noticed that if an affiliate doesn't specify their payment detail, the merchant cannot mark that affiliate's payment(s) as paid and inform him/her about sent payments.

In case the merchant wants to inform an affiliate of an important note, it can be done through the Guide section.

Advance: Marketing tools and Multi-level marketing

Via the Media Gallery, you can upload banners, logos, or other promotional media to share with affiliates. Affiliates can use those media in the Marketing Tools section of their account page to promote your brand by embedding them on their websites or sharing via other channels. They can hover over the banner image and click on the icon to get the HTML embed code.

The Multi-level marketing feature allows affiliates to invite others into the affiliate network using the Network link displayed on the affiliate's Dashboard or the Network section. If any affiliate successfully invites another distributor into the system using the network link, that distributor will be considered a downline affiliate. Any referral order brought by a downline affiliate may bring network commission to his/her upline affiliate, depending on your MLM setup.

To allow affiliates to invite others using their network link, you need to activate the Multi-level marketing feature from their account: Outreach > Multi-level Marketing > Set up > switch on Activate MLM.

Last updated