Program list

Available in all plans

In order to manage your affiliates better, you can put them into different programs. In UpPromote, a program is like a group of affiliates, where you can set up rules and apply them to all affiliates in it. With Free plan, you can create 1 program while with other plans (Growth, Professional, or Enterprise), you can create an unlimited number of programs.

1. Program Information

On the program list, you can see some basic information about each program, including Program name, Type, Commission rate/amount, Number of affiliates, Default program option, Number of Referrals, and the Actions column.

2. Export

You can export your program list simply by clicking Export file. A pop-up will appear to let you choose the file type you want to export.

3. Default Program

You have to select at least 1 program as the default program. Simply choose one program in the Default column.

Note: If there are affiliates in a program, it cannot be deleted. If you want to delete a program, make sure to move all affiliates in it to another program.

Note: The default program cannot be deleted. If you want to delete the default program, set another program as default first.

4. Program actions

There are several actions you can do with each program. You can find them in the Actions column.

Activate/deactivate program

With this toggle, you can quickly activate or deactivate a program.

When a program is inactive, its registration form will be unavailable so no one can sign up and join it. The existing affiliates in that program can still work normally, meaning the referral orders brought by them will still be tracked. Lastly, please note that the feature Auto-discounts for customers will no longer work if the program is inactive.

Edit program

You can click the Program name. This will open the Program settings page.

Learn more about the Edit program page here: Add/edit program.

Each program has 1 registration form for people to sign up. Simply hover to the program name > click Get Registration link and you will see a pop-up with the registration link in it.

Customize registration form

This will take you to the Registration form editor in Settings. Learn more about the registration form here: Affiliate registration form.

Duplicate program

Duplicate program will create a new program with the same settings (Special product commission not included) as the corresponding program. It's required to confirm this action.

Delete program

You can use this button to delete a program. As mentioned above, you cannot delete the default program. If there are affiliates in the program, the program cannot be deleted. In case someone clicks on the registration form of a deleted program, they will be redirected to the default program's registration instead.

Deleting a program cannot be undone, even by the UpPromote team. Therefore, please consider carefully before proceeding.

Last updated