Commission calculation settings

Programs > Edit program > Commission calculation

Commission calculation settings help you specify how affiliate commission should be calculated, e.g.: include shipping or exclude shipping, include tax or not, and how taxes are calculated in the store.

You can access this feature by going to Programs > click on a program name > Commission calculation.

Exclude shipping from the commission: This will exclude shipping from the commission calculation so that the commission will be calculated without the shipping fee. For example, the total order value is $100 with $10 shipping, and the commission rate is 5%. With this option switched on, the commission will be ($100 - $10)* 5% = $4.5.

Exclude taxes from the commission: This will exclude taxes from the commission calculation so that the commission will be calculated without the taxes. For this option, please be careful with the Shopify tax settings below since UpPromote will need this information to calculate the commission correctly.

Shopify tax settings: This should be based on the tax settings in your Shopify store. There are 3 options:

  • Taxes excluded from product pricing: This means that all taxes are not included in your product pricing and are calculated separately. This is typical for US stores. If you choose this option and switch on Exclude taxes from commission, a separate amount of taxes will be subtracted from the order value before commission calculation. This is typical for US stores.

  • Taxes included in product pricing: This means that taxes are included in your product pricing. If you choose this option and switch on Exclude taxes from commission, the taxes will be subtracted from your product pricing. This is typical for EU stores.

  • Taxes ARE included in my product pricing and shipping tax IS included in the shipping fee: This means that the product taxes are included in the product pricing and the shipping tax is in the shipping fee. If you choose this option and switch on Exclude taxes from commission, the taxes will be subtracted from both product pricing and shipping fees. This is typical for EU stores.

Note: Please note that this is merely related to the commission calculation. If you are looking for information regarding VAT on paid commission, please refer to this document HERE. `

Last updated