Media Gallery

Motivation > Media Gallery > Add media

With Media Gallery, you can upload unlimited images, links, video links, or other files which will help your affiliates to promote your business. Each file must be smaller than 5MB.

Your affiliates can view, copy/download, or get the HTML code (images only) to share the media assets with their followers.

Basic functionality:

1. Create a Category to group your media:

Adding Categories helps you to organize your assets while helping affiliates access your uploaded media faster and easier.

To Create a category, go to Motivation > Media Gallery > click Add Category.

You can enter the category name and click Save.

The created categories will be shown like this:

2. Add Media Assets:

In order to add a resource, you can open a category or stay on the Media gallery default homepage, then click Add media. Other than the Add category action, there are 4 other options:

  • Name is where you put the name of your image which is required. Kindly note that the special characters (apart from "-" and "_" are not allowed).

  • Description is where you can add more information about the image (such as what it is, what it is used for,...), this field is optional.

  • The Link field is optional. It will direct customers to your promotional campaign or special collection. For example, if you have a banner of a collection that you want to boost, enter that collection link so affiliates will get redirected to your collection.

  • Supported image formats are: jpg, jpeg, png, gif, svg.

Add files:

  • Name is where you put the name of your file, which is required. Kindly note that the special characters (apart from "-" and "_" are not allowed).

  • Description is where you can add more information about the file (such as what it contains, notes, etc.) This field is optional.

Supported file formats are: zip, rar, pdf, txt, xlsx, xlsm, xltx, xltm, xlsb, xlam, csv, doc, docx, docm, dotx, dotm, pptx, pptm, potx, potm, ppam, ppsx, ppsm, sldx, sldm, thmx.

Be noted that the file size must be smaller than 5MB. However, on the Enterprise plan, you can upload files with a maximum size of 25MB/file.

  • Name is where you put the name of your video which is required. Kindly noted that the special characters (apart from "-" and "_" are not allowed).

  • Description is where you can add more information about the video (such as what it is about, how can it be used, etc.). This field is optional.

  • Video link: Insert your video link in this field. The affiliate can only view and share this video (they can't download the video).

  • Supported video links are: YouTube Shorts, TikToks, Instagram, Youtube video.

  • Name is where you put the name of your link which is required. Kindly noted that the special characters (apart from "-" and "_" are not allowed).

  • Description is where you can add more information about the link (such as where it directs to, how can it be used, etc.) This field is optional.

  • Link is where you put your links. The affiliate can only view and share this link.

Note: For specific asset types of Image or File, you also have a bulk upload option.

When clicking Add media > Add images/files > Bulk upload, you can select up to 10 files at a time, each file cannot exceed 5MB. The file names will be the names on your computer, you can then edit the names, descriptions, links, etc. after the bulk upload.

3. Filter media on Asset types

You and your affiliate team can use this filter to view the uploaded resources by type. It can be filtered by Images, Files, Links, or Videos.

In case you want to view all media types (not on Category), you can select All assets.

Update: You can now easily move an asset to a category by clicking the edit button when hovering an asset.

On the edit popup, you can find the Category dropdown and select the category to which you want to move.

4. How does it show on the affiliate account?

Your media assets are shown on the affiliate account on the Marketing Tools tab:

Affiliates can view or filter their preferred assets.

For each type of asset, affiliates can:

  • Images: View, Download, and Get embedded code.

  • Files: View, Download.

  • Video link: View, Copy link, Share.

  • Link: View, Copy link, Share.

Last updated